
We Increased Sales 30% in 30-days Using Strategic Email Marketing

Our client is a bar that provides bear-related services and much more. They wanted to increase the number of leads for their business so they were looking for an Email Marketing Agency. We were the first Email Marketing Premier Partner agency so they reached us for providing Email Marketing services.

We already had a lot of experience with this niche, so we knew that we were a good fit!

Firstly, we created an email journey for the services they offer. Brand protection campaigns were created after the competition was getting higher and higher in order to keep the bar position number 1 on Google.

We looked over the account after the first month and we saw that there were some irrelevant keywords that people were searching on Google and reached us.

How did we scale this business?

We inserted those keywords into the negative list, we stopped the keywords which didn’t bring quality traffic (the conversion rate was low). We set the campaigns,  and we also increase the bid for the keywords that were having amazing results.